The Ecoframe concept fulfills the passive house standard, while using ecological materials.
Having such good insulation not only saves you energy, the planet resources, but also creates a very comfortable atmosphere.
Some of the standards points are optional for clients. Since formal standard verification is usually not desired due to the extra cost, your choices only affect your heating costs.
Our 40 cm thick insulation results in a U value of 0.1, which is well within the standards minimum of 0.15.
Selluvilla and Hunton insulation achieve even 5% better values.
Since this is the core of the Ecoframe concept, it comes built into every Ecoframe house.
A vapor barrier is installed into almost every new home, to protect the insulation from moisture.
We use a paper-based barrier, that when taped, prevents air leaks. Additionally, the whole outside is covered with wind shied boards.
This means somewhat better than the normal windows in terms of energy efficiency or U value. While a normal U value in modern buildings may be 1, the standard requires 0.8, which is only sensible to keep in line with the thick walls.
Heat recovery ventilation means that the inside air, with the heat energy in it, does not just leave the house. Instead, the energy of the leaving air is transferred to the incoming air, by heat exchange. We usually implement this with several smaller units instead of building a central air conditioning.
Since many customers are against air conditioning, we can also use natural circulation, and not fulfill the passive house standard.
Passive solar gains are achieved with south-facing windows that are shaded in summer. The sun must shine in, only in winter, otherwise, there is a need for cooling in the summer. Also, north-facing windows should be considerably smaller, to avoid losses.
This too is not always possible and may be dropped at customer request.
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We use healthy ecological materials.
All the steps, from the idea to moving in.