Our houses are based on a simple concept: we use ecological materials to provide very high energy efficiency built around a timber frame. Both inside and outside look are up to you.
The ecoframe concept is very simple: a thick ecological insulation layer around a traditional timber frame. Yet, there are many implications and options.
The Ecoframe concept fulfills the passive house standard while using ecological materials.
Having such good insulation not only saves you energy, the planet resources but also creates a very comfortable atmosphere.
The passive house standard revolves around 5 main ideas that we explain here:
All the materials we use are ecological, mostly wood-based.
Needless to say, there is no plastic used in Eco-frame houses.
The timber frame wood is sourced from local, sustainable forests.
At the heart of our eco-frame houses is a timber frame. This is a century-old English wood joinery technique, that was developed to build houses without nails.
We use it to create open spaces and you decide, how much or little you want to incorporate into your home.